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Mostrando postagens de outubro, 2014


City of Fresno Select State or Province: Outside of North America <% AddMenu "state" %> Select Country: <% Addmenu "country" %>


FORM ACTION="login.asp" METHOD="post"> Login: Password:


List Changer ground color. Bg Effects blue aquamarine chocolate dark red gold red yellow hotpink lime dark khaki cadet blue dark goldenrod dark slate blue deep pink dark salmon salmon tan wheat tomato springgreen turquoise White

JAVASCRIPT, bottons model, onclick, reloadbutton, back, alert

Button Banner

C++, snack bar or Theater, programa!Programa calculo consumo bar!

/* Theater lobby snack bar program */ #include #include #include #define TRUE 1 //This is true #define FALSE !(TRUE) //This is not true void main() { char c; //their choice int done; //while loop ender float total=0; //start their total at zero; printf("Please make your treat selections:\n"); printf("B - Beverage.\n"); printf("C - Candy.\n"); printf("H - Hot dog.\n"); printf("P - Popcorn.\n"); printf("= - Done.\n"); printf("Your choice:\n"); /* Now you must figure out what they typed in. */ done=FALSE; while(!done) { c=toupper(getch()); //get input switch(c) //find the key they pressed { case 'B': //Beverage printf("B - Beverage\tThat will be $2\n"); total+=2; break; case 'C': //Candy printf("C - Candy\tThat will be $1.50\n"); total+=1.5; break;

C++, short, long, cont, incremento ++

#include void main() { short s; long l; for(s=0;s<32000 font="" s=""> printf("%i\t",s); printf("\nPress Enter\n"); getchar(); for(l=0;l<100000 font="" l=""> printf("%li\t",l); system("pause"); }


/* DECHEX, display ASCII, decimal and hex values */ #include void main() { int x; printf("A  DEC\tHEX\tA  DEC\tHEX\t"); printf("A  DEC\tHEX\n"); for(x=32;x<64 font="" x=""> { printf("%c  %3i\t%2X\t",x,x,x); printf("%c  %3i\t%2X\t",x+32,x+32,x+32); printf("%c  %3i\t%2X\n",x+64,x+64,x+64); } system("pause"); }

Javascript, Text controll Scroll, Banner!!

Control Scroll-http://excelresolve.blogspot.com.br/

C++, Struct, media ponderada, float!!!

#include #include using namespace std; struct notas {   float prova, trab;}; float mediaPond(notas n); int main() {    notas aluno;  cout<<"\nDigite nota da prova: ";cin>>aluno.prova;  cout<<"\nDigite nota do trabalho: ";cin>>aluno.trab;      cout<<"\nMedia ponderada: "<  cout<<"\n\n";  system("pause"); } float mediaPond(notas n) {  return (n.prova*6+ n.trab*4)/10;}

C++, IR. imposto de renda. imposto, calcula, alíquota

Untitled Document   #include<iostream>     #include<cstdlib>     using namespace std;     int main()     {     double salario, novosalario, aumento, desconto;     system("color 1f");     cout<<"\nEntre com o salário atual:\n";     cin>>salario;     cout<<"\nEntre com o valor aumento\n";     cin>>aumento;     novosalario=salario+aumento;     cout<<"\nO novo salário é: \n"<<novosalario;     cout<<"\n\n";     if(novosalario>=2000)     cout<<"\nExiste incidencia de IR:\n";     cout<<"\n\n";     cout<<"\nTabela do Imposto\n";     cout<<"\nAté R$1.787,00 é isento\n";     cout<<"\nDe R$1.787,78 até R$2.679,29 desconto de 7,5%\n";     cout<<"\nDe R$2.679,30 até R$3.572,43 desconto de 15%\n";     cout<<"\nDe R$3.572,44 até R$4.463,81 desconto de 2

PHP, panel login, control panel, login, Banner Exchange!!

<? echo "$exchange_name"; ?> - Control Panel Login Welcome to . Banner Exchange Control Panel /client/stats.php" method="post"> Login Password Join The Exchange Lost Password?


Javascript, texto anuncio, text scroller, loops

Javascript, url, botton connecting, Missing data or Invalid!!

URL loader URL for you.http://excelresolve.blogspot.com/ Buttons http://

Javascript, Search engine, Keyword, address, Database!!

Please Input Your Search Term ^^^^^^   Yet another example of a JavaScript search engine.

Javascript, botton scroll, scrolling

Javascript, User, password, input type, on click!!

Acesso A senha é: Usuário: teste Senha: abrir Usuário: Senha:

Javascript, Game, on load game, game on line!

on load games ***** ""

Javascript, botton downloading, Java botton

Java botton

Php fácil, login, password, senha, input!!

Service Login   Administration Login     Login ID : Password :   ** Login ID and password are case sensitive.         *****   #

C++, counter start, stop, define

#include //counter start, stop, define void counter(int start, int stop); void main() { counter(1,10); counter(2,8); counter(123,144); } void counter(int start, int stop) { int i; for(i=start;i printf("%i ",i); system("pause"); }

C, countdown, int, long, void, loop, start

/countdown  //codefree.mxatec.com #include void main() { int start; long delay; /* This loop ensures they type in the proper value */ do { printf("Please enter the number to start\n"); printf("the countdown (1 to 1000):"); scanf("%i",&start); } while(start<1 start="">1000); /* The countdown loop */ //Example of a "nested loop" do { printf("T-minus %i\n",start); start--; for(delay=0;delay<1000000 class="Apple-tab-span" delay="" span="" style="white-space: pre;"> //delay loop } while(start>0); printf("Zero!\nBlast off!\n"); system("pause"); }

C++, Looping 1000, short long, simula looping

#include //looping 10000 void main() { short s; long l; for(s=0;s<32000 font="" s=""> printf("%i\t",s); printf("\nPress Enter\n"); getchar(); for(l=0;l<1000000 font="" l=""> printf("%li\t",l); system("pause"); }

C++, values ASCII, valores para ASCII em C, unsigned char!!

#include //values ascii void main() { unsigned char a; for(a=32;a<128 a="a+1)</font"> printf("%3i = '%c'\t",a,a); system("pause"); }

Html5, Guestbook, Javascript, livro de visitas

JavaFILE simple script # Put your E-mail address here [ For Demo Only ] [ Delete this form element in the real guestbook code ] Name: E-mail: Homepage: Comments:

Html5, Dropdow, class menu, text/css, XHTML

drop-down Menu Menu Home News Articles Blog Contac Download

Javascript, Scroll text, imascroller, Java Scroll

Java Scroll Gooo

Javascript, digital botton clock, relógio botão

Digital Botton clock cool button clock...

Javascript, function Clock, função relógio

The Java Clock              Goooo

C++, ponteiro, matriz, ordena matriz, define, TAM, sequencia, endl, ordenaponteiro

#include using namespace std; int ordenamatriz( int matriz[], int tamanho) { int temp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tamanho; i++){ for (int j = i; j < tamanho; j++){ if (matriz[j] < matriz [i]) { temp = matriz[i]; matriz[i] = matriz[j]; matriz[j] = temp; } } } } int ordenaponteiro (int *matriz, int tamanho) { int temp = 0; for (int i =0; i < tamanho; i++) { for (int j = i; j < tamanho; j++){ if ( *(matriz + j) < *(matriz + i ) ) { temp = *( matriz + i ); *(matriz + i) = *(matriz + j); *(matriz + j) = temp; } } } } int main() { const int TAMANHO = 4; int sequencia[TAMANHO] = {27, 12, 42, -8}; int sequencia2[TAMANHO] = {21, -27, 1024, 42}; cout< ordenamatriz(sequencia, TAMANHO); ordenaponteiro(sequencia2, TAMANHO); cout <<"Sequencia ordenada 1: "; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { cout << sequencia[i]<<" "; } cout< cout <<"Sequencia ordenada 2: "; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i+